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one box 50pcs (1 pcs 3grams )certified halal

Net Wt:150g (3g x 50)

raw material:wheat grass powder

guarantee period:18months production

license No:SC10632128101845

product standard No:GB/T 29702

production address:wangheng,duotion town,xinghua city,Taizhou,Jiangsu ,China


What is wheat grass?

Wheat grass is actually wheat seedlings.

Modern medicine has confirmed that wheat grass is rich in chlorophyll, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin B, and minerals calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, selenium, and super antioxidant SOD, fiber and beneficial enzymes.


Chlorophyll and red blood cells are very similar, the difference is that the central element of chlorophyll is magnesium, and the central element of hemoglobin is iron, so in the intake of chlorophyll can be a rapid synthesis of hemoglobin, so wheat grass is also known as "green blood."


Rich in alkaline minerals, improve the acidic body, balance the human body pH,  support liver health; containing essential essential SOD enzyme, freckle, anti-aging, strong degradation of free radicals.


🌾 【长寿绿汁】小麦草被称为碱性之王,调节体液、血液的酸碱平衡度,改善细胞的生存环境,预防细胞恶性变异!

🌾 丰富的叶绿素:净化血液,消炎杀菌,除臭!

🌾 sod酶:清除血液,延缓衰老!

🌾 天然的维生素:增加免疫力!

🌾 蛋白质:生命的物质基础!

🌾 天然矿物质:促进细胞代谢,维护酸碱平衡!

🌾 天然食物纤维:润肠通便,排毒健体!

一盒50包 一条加入250毫升的水,牛奶或果汁,迅速搅拌后进行饮用 

Botanical Beverage Mix Wheatgrass Powder 长寿绿汁

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